Thursday, August 11, 2011

I Saw God Today

I have, up to this point, written about Jeff's death and the tremendously painful grief that we as a family and I as a mother encountered. But out of Jeff's death has also come numerous blessings. The first being the many lives that Jeff's death saved; six people decided to come forward and ask for help and didn't committ suicide as they were contemplating. Secondly, the  two people who can now see because of Jeff's eyes being harvested. There were also many people whose lives were also saved due to all of the tissue that they were able to get from his body, his veins, etc. Thirdly, the awareness in the community about suicide, attachment disorder syndrome, as well as the healing and open communication that Jeff's death has ultimately brought not only to our family, but to his friends as well. I have to say I am very, very thankful to everyone who continues to step up for the people who are continuing to grieve for our son. God is working every single day to use this huge tradgedy by turning it into blessings. And so, as I continue this journey and I begin to actually heal and function, I would like to share my sightings of God as well as the sightings others have had. God has used many, many situations and people to change the course of Jeffy's suicide form horrific, to happiness. He has used two small children certain to die; to cardinal birds placed at the right place and the right times; to even a man on a motorcycle; and He has even used Jeff himself. And while many people will not believe these truths that I will write about, it doesn't matter...God is in control...He can do anything...He always has and He always God be all of the glory....

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